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The Royal Harbour


GCSE Sport Studies

"You have failed only when you have failed to try" - Unknown

Vision Statement

You will gain many valuable skills from studying OCR sport. You will gain an improvement in skill level in individual and team sports through a number of practical units of work, as well as coaching and officiating roles. You will also gain skills such as working as a team, leadership and confidence.


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Middle Years Programme

Curriculum Overview

There are four units within the course. Three of these units will be assessed through coursework with one
unit being assessed in an exam. OCR sport will lead you onto the next stage of your education within
sport. All Level 3 courses will be accessible if you achieve well on the course. Further to this, it will give
you the opportunity to pursue a career in the sports industry.

Cultural Capital

Cultural capital is all over this subject. The social aspect and requirement to communicate effectively in sport, along with sportsmanship and fair play codes of conduct around morals really encourage and in fact, make it a requirement in this subject to emphasize SMSC. As a department we are hugely involved in the local community and have raise both awareness and finances to develop young people both at Royal Harbour and indeed all schools in Thanet. We have secured funding for a district sports hub which was set up at school and is now in the local community where all schools in Thanet across all year groups have access. (National award for this.) We have used funding to set up a number of clubs at the school including Yofi Street football, Judo, Boxing, Crazy golf, American football as well as the mainstream clubs, fixtures and competitions. We host district events including dodgeball and the Thanet athletics championships.
As a department we raised awareness for PP students at Christmas during lockdown and with the help of our Hub, raised over 2.5k towards Christmas hamper packages for those in need.
Throughout these opportunities our students gain valuable experience to work with many outside professionals and hugely expand their cultural capital skills set. The chance to build upon these experiences in future careers and community hubs really does broaden the learning opportunities for our students.

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