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The Royal Harbour


GCSE Results Day

Following the obvious disruption over the past few years, we are really proud of how successful the students at The Royal Harbour Academy have been in their exams this year. Our English Department had 43% of their students receive a Level 4 grade or better, while 38% of students secured a Level 4 grade or above in maths.

Students have had outstanding success and there are a few who deserve special praise:

Sophie Winton for achieving 9 GCSEs including 1 at Grade 9, 2 at Grade 8 and 2 at Grade 7.

Sophie Wright was awarded 9 GCSEs with 1 at Grade 9, 2 at Grade 7 and 4 at Grade 6.

Lester Johnston gained 9 GCSEs including 3 at Grade 8s and 2 at Grade 7.

Svetlana Dergacova secured 9 GCSEs including 2 at Grade 9 and 5 at Grade 6. Svetlana said: “I’m excited about my results, I’m so happy! I’m going to study business and go into real estate”.

Jenny Luxmoore, Assistant Headteacher and Raising Standards Leader, said “Students showed commitment, resilience and determination throughout unprecedented disruption and should rightfully be celebrating these grades. They have achieved some fantastic results and thoroughly deserve this success. I am incredibly proud of our Year 11 students; it has been a real pleasure to work with such a brilliant cohort.”

Sam Wall, Head of Upper Site, said: “The sense of pride we feel for the students at The Royal Harbour Academy is endless. They have worked tirelessly with enthusiasm and confidence during what has been a very different school experience, due to the pandemic. We believe that every student who comes to The Royal Harbour Academy deserves to be the best version of themselves and become a proud and active member of our local community; our Year 11s this year have achieved this and we are excited to see where the future leads for each individual student.”

Simon Pullen, Headteacher, said, “Our students have shown that despite the difficulties of the last few years they are capable of the highest levels of achievement. Hard work, resilience and the skilled support of our teachers has meant our students have done incredibly well this year.”


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