Maria Blackburn, from the Thanet Rotary Club, has chosen to work with The Royal Harbour Academy as part of their 'Literacy Matters!' initiative. The Rotary Club has decided to work with a range of local schools and offer assistance with purchasing additional texts to be enjoyed by the students. Maria, a retired primary headteacher, has kindly given up time to visit the school and meet some of our students; literacy has been at the heart of these discussions. She was shown many examples of brilliant Year 7 and Year 8 work, which the students were very proud to showcase.
From the Rotary Club, the school has received a generous gift of a set of plays by the playwright Willy Russell. His play Our Day Out is a fantastic play about the joys and agonies of growing up when faced with poverty and hardship. Set 8CPR have been the first lucky class to begin reading the play and are already thoroughly enjoying it.
The Rotary Club is also offering our older students the opportunity to become involved in an exciting creative writing competition.
Mrs Prince, English Lead at the Lower Site, said: "We are delighted to be involved with The Rotary Club's Literacy Matters! initiative and look forward to further up and coming events and opportunities."