We thoroughly enjoyed welcoming some of our new Year 7 students and their families to our school over the last few evenings.
We have uploaded digital versions of our Year 7 Welcome Pack here, so that you can access them at any time.
A big thank you to everyone who was able to come to the evenings. It was a pleasure to meet you all and we are looking forward to seeing your daughters and sons next week at our Transition Day on 7th July. - Mr Pullen Headteacher
Please use the following checklist to ensure you have provided the school with the relevant paperwork etc:
I have presented the school reception with my son or daughter’s original birth certificate (a copy will be made by the school office and the original will be returned to you)
I have completed and submitted the Admission Form.
My child or ward and I have read and signed the Student Acceptable Use Policy and the Home School Agreement, and returned this to the school reception.
I have made my voluntary donation to the Voluntary Fund.
I have checked my eligibility for entitlement to Free School Meals.
Admission Form - Google Form
Check Free School Meal Eligibility - External Website