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The Royal Harbour


Students at The Royal Harbour Academy Observe One-Minute Silence on 11th November

On Remembrance Day, students at The Royal Harbour Academy observed a range of meaningful activities to honour those who have served in the armed forces. The observance of the two-minute silence was a central moment of reflection, with Years 7 to Year 9 students participating in the National Literacy Trust’s online assembly, which provided a poignant and educational tribute to those who have sacrificed so much. The online assembly offered a platform for students to learn more about the significance of Remembrance Day, through stories, poems, and reflections shared across the nation.

Meanwhile, students in Years 10 to 13 gathered in their classrooms to observe the traditional two-minute silence at 11am. The silence was a collective act of respect, allowing students the time to reflect on the sacrifices made by the armed forces during past conflicts. In addition to the silence, students who were part of uniformed groups—such as the Police Cadets, Sea Scouts, and Guiding—were invited to wear their uniforms to school. These students not only paid their respects through the silence but also took part in the laying of a wreath, further commemorating the day.

The wreath-laying ceremony was a special and moving occasion, highlighting the importance of remembrance and community. The event provided students with a chance to reflect on the values of duty, service, and sacrifice, while also connecting them to the broader national observance.

The Royal Harbour Academy’s Remembrance Day activities were an important opportunity for students across all year groups to come together in respect, reflection, and understanding, ensuring that the legacy of those who served is passed onto future generations.


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